I’m impressed to see that site visits have gone up very quickly to my kwaichi.com blogsite. It feels slow going but I am making a lot of changes in the background. For a start in a few hours this blog will be displayed in about 30 different languages. Spam prevention has been high on the list and the content is slowly increasing. Slow but sure progress is the way to go I think.
Elsewhere I have started up a kwai chi fan site on facebook and worked to promote tuberavers.org.
Today I got my car serviced in Sheffield a traffic nightmare full of bus lanes with no access to cars and plenty of pedestrian only zones. My service was far cheaper than expected but I have a few things to fix including a new flywheel for my clutch and a new breather pipe for my fuel line. Whilst waiting for the car i explored Sheffield town centre to see that Christmas is well under well with promotions galore everywhere you look. I think I’ll wait a little longer until my santa shopping gets under way, Christmas eve perhaps?…